TimberstoneVet is continuing operation under our regular business hours. We welcome any questions and are here to address any concerns you may have during these unprecedented times. We are diligently and continuously cleaning all areas of our hospital. We encourage you to limit the number of people you bring with you to your appointment. We are a small practice with a large lobby that allows us to limit the overlap of our clientele in keeping within appropriate social distancing parameters.
However, if you prefer not to come in, with an advanced call and a call when you arrive, we will gladly bring your food or medicine directly to your car or assist you in any way possible with your pet care.
Remember you can purchase medication through our online store by clicking here. Food may also be purchased online and delivered to your home with free shipping through the following websites: Purina ProPlan food may be purchased through VetDirect (https://www.proplanvetdirect.com Code: 09BYZ) and Hills Science Diet food may be purchased through Hills to Home (please call us to help you establish your Hills to Home account). Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or need assistance with any of these purchasing and delivery options.
Stay tuned for any further postings of any updates or changes that may be required of us in the future.
Stay safe and well,
Your friends at TimberstoneVet